About Me

I am an Egyptian girl with unhealthy appetite for makeup. clothes, and everything pink and girly.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mani Monday: Minty Nails

Minty nails, mmm what to say about them. It's kind of things that you either love it or hate it. For me I love them but I prefer the lighter shade that can be mistaken with the baby blue. But for this coming season, the darker shade seems to be "In".

I was in the pharmacy the other day, and spotted a nail polish rack for Luna, which is an Egyptian cosmetics company. I tried once a couple of  colours from them and they turned out to be not bad at all. So when I spotted a dark minty green colour within their range, I decided to try it out, and actually it was so good, almost the same colour I got month ago from China Glaze. I also got one of their nail polishes remover, the one without the acetone and also it's so good. I do recommend trying out Luna, after all it's an Egyptian product and so cheap compared to the other international brands. The nail polish bottle was L.E 18, and it's available in all pharmacies.

1 comment:

  1. Luna nail polish comes also in small bottles , for only 5 l.e I think , which is a great bargain
