About Me

I am an Egyptian girl with unhealthy appetite for makeup. clothes, and everything pink and girly.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The answers of your Questions by Dr. Lillian Khan

Hey lovely ladies, did you miss me ? I am sorry I was away in a mini Eurotrip and just got back, I have missed you and missed blogging so much.

Last month I asked you to send me, if you have any questions or inquiries about your hair or skin problems, to be answered by the dermatoligical consulant Dr.Lillian Khan. I preferred to remove your names, and keep it anonymous, so look out for your questions, and if you didn't have the chance to send in your questions, read the below ones they also maybe of help to your problems.

Q# 1- I just got off the pill recently, and now my hair is falling out like crazy and it has thinned A LOT, I lost significant weight, but I eat really healthy. What do I need to do to stop this and re-grow what I've lost??
A #1- I usually would start by doing some blood tests just to make sure there isn't anything internal causing you to have this hair fall especially that you mentioned that you lost a significant amount of weight. Nutritional deficiency can affect the health of your hair. In the mean time it depends on the amount of hair fall that I would see in my clinic, I would decide on the next step on what treatments I would place you on. There are some home treatment I can recommend if there are no contraindications such as some home hair tonics, one of my favorites are Vichy Dercos Energising shampoo with Aminexil SP94 intensive Anti-hairloss treatment for women. If the hair fall is sever then I would evaluate you for Minoxidil treatment for you either in home topical daily applications or in the form of Mesotherapy in clinic treatment sessions.
I always place my patient on a good supplement, Priorin N is one of my top choices.

Q #2- I have dark brown spots between my breasts and under them ( basically at the space where my bra touches the skin), and I have really bad dark spot after removing the hair from under arms and bikini area.
A #2- First thing that has to be done is to determine the cause of these brown spots and that can only be done after being examined by a dermatologist in a clinical setting.. The pattern and the history of how you got these brown spots has to be determined. Then we can treat them and also prevent them from occurring again. Treating brown spots on the body that seems to be post inflammatory in your condition can range from in home treatments that usually takes a long period of time in order to show good results such as applying a bleaching agent (e.g. over the counter would be Bi-White body lotion, or UWhite body lotion) to more combination formulations such a Kligman's Formula that can only be given by prescription and has to be under supervision.
To help my patients get results faster I add in clinic treatments such as bio peels, chemical peels, and crystal peels. That you can discuss with a dermatologist if they are suitable for you or not.

Q #3- I have really bad stretch marks all over my stomach after giving birth to my son it's no the dark lines only, they are like scars.
A #3- Stretch marks that have already become white in color, us dermatologists we do consider them to be some sort of scars and we treat them as such. The only thing that was scientifically proven as a topical treatment to show some improvement in its appearance of stretch marks were vitamin A derivative creams that has to be applied for a long period of time ( up to a at least a year) to show result.
As of with the new technologies available now, I recommend Co2 fractional laser treatment sessions to most of my patients after evaluating them, you can discuss it with the dermatologist. Even with these laser procedures we can not get rid of it totally we can only improve it.

Q #4- I have dandruff in my hair for more than 2 years now, I have tried lots of medical and natural recipes and it never left , the shampoo makes my hair super dry so I cant use it , is there is a way I can get rid of it ? I am using now something called debrosalic from the pharmacy , my hair dresser recommended it , yet I see no change.
A #4- It depends on what kind of scalp flakes you have, that is why it's best to be evaluated by a dermatologist just to rule out any underlying inflammatory scalp condition, and be placed on the proper treatment to that condition. Generally  if it is a simple dandruff then any anti dandruff shampoo should help. If it is sever and showing signs other than simple dandruff and the patients has yellow flaky scalp Nizoral shampoo helps when used for a full month. Then keep using it on a maintains application once per week for another month. Most people with dandruff will always need some sort of anti dandruff shampoo once or twice a week to keep it under control. The trick that I tell my patients to help them with the drying part of using antidandruff shampoos is… after washing off the shampoo, you can apply a conditioner but to the ends of the hair and never on the scalp it self because it can make dandruff worse.

Q # 5-"What I can do to keep my hair moisturized and get rid of its dryness".
A #5- Dry hair like dry skin will always needs a conditioner. If you have very dry hair then weekly hair oils or hair masks help. Sometimes I start my patients on hair supplements such as Priorin N which gives the hair a healthy texture and look.

 "Q #6- I am suffering from baggy eyes and the area around my eyes is getting darker and as if it wrinkled though I am still 27 years old, I never wear makeup, I don't smoke and  I need too something to make my face looks more bright and not pale, also I am suffering from a very dry hair specially the ends I tried a lot of things like oils, creams , krestas , loreal and etc of well known products but with no vain ! I need ur help.
A #6- Baggy eyes, can be due to several things, such as retention of fluids due to salty meals , sleeping positions especially if you sleep on your abdomen, sleepless nights, and chronic allergies and sinusitis. If its fluid retention then a caffeine based eye cream or gel is best. Sleeping positions its best to sleep on your back. Chronic allergies and sinusitis has to be evaluated by an ENT physician so that you can be placed on proper anti allergy medications. For the darkening around the eyes in most patients in this region of the world it is due to genetic tendency. A whitening eye cream can be used.

 For the face, for a more healthy complexion and to give it that extra boost to the skin I like using Pond's Gold Radiance skin care line. Gold in skin care has been  known since Cleopatra that it preserves youthfulness of the skin and give it radiance.
For dry hair… as I have answered the other reader "Dry hair like dry skin will always needs a conditioner. If you have very dry hair then weekly hair oils or hair masks help. Sometimes I start my patients on hair supplements such as Priorin N which gives the hair a healthy texture and look."

A #7-I've got a problem in my complexion,  I am 30 years and was surprised  to have dark spots on my skin after all these years of having beautiful skin, and  wrinkles under my eyes appeared, although I massage under my eyes of everyday.
Q #7- Dark spots.. its best to determine the cause and be evaluated by the dermatologist in order to be placed on the proper treatment plan.
For your general skin condition, sometimes our skin is telling us that its time to change our regimen to something more stronger and something with more active ingredients. At age 30 I always advice my patients to start using an regular eye cream such as Pond's age miracle dual  eye therapy which has brightening, collagen, and protection to the sensitive area around the eyes. For all over skin choose skin acre products with retinol which helps preserves skin firmness.

Q#8 I have really bad skin all around my body, and the pores are red and I am hairy please advise.
A #8- Try using a regular body moisturizer such as Cetaphil hypo allergic body cream  especially if you apply it after showering and your body is still damp to lock in the moisture. The red pores and body hair all improve with laser hair removal. Discuss that option with a dermatologist, its success depends on your body hair type and your skin tone.

Q#9  انا من السعودية ولي ٥ اشهر في مصر ، جاتني قشرة في شعري وسار يتساقط بكترة ومني عارفة ايش استخدم ولا ايش اسوي                         
         جواب٩-  يمكنك استخدام شامبو ضد القشره  لمده شهر ثلاثه مرات في الاسبوع و بعد الشهر يجب استخدام الشامبو مره في الاسبوع للمحافظه علي عدم تجمع القشره هذا اذا كانت قشره بسيطه ، لكن هنالك في بعض الحالات سبب القشره التهاب في فروه الرآس ولا يمكن تحديد مثل هذه المشكله الا بعد الفحص الطبي من قبل طبيبه الامراض الجلديه
اما تساقط الشعر هنالك عده اسباب مثل اضطراب في الغده الدرقيه او الانيميا او نقص الحديد في الدم وهذا يحدد بالتحاليل الطبي للدم
مشاكل اخري مثل نقص التغذيه و الحميه الغير صحيه ، التعرض لحمي او حمل وولاده، الضغط النفسي … ، غيره
ممكن ان تجربي شامبو مضاد لتساقط الشعر مثل شامبو ديركوس لتنشيط الفروه و امينيكسل
Vichy Dercos Energising shampoo with Aminexil SP94 intensive Anti-hairloss treatment for women.
و حبوب برايورين ن
اما اذا استمر التساقط انصح بمراجعه طبيبه الامراض الجلديه لتحديد السبب بعض الفحص الطبي

سمعتي عن فيتامين هيردال للشعر؟ ايش رايك فيها؟ وايش احسن نوع فيتامينات مكملة ؟ انا استخدم سنتروم .. كويس؟Q#10
A#!10 كل الفيتامينات التي ذكرتها جيده ليس هنالك نوع معين ، المهم هو السبب من استخدام الفيتامينات. اذا كان هنالك نقص معروف في التغذيه فممكن استخدامهم ليكمل النقص.  اذا ممكن ان يآخذ طبيعيا من الغذاء الصحي فلا داعي له

بشرتي ماعرف ايش نوعها بالزبط بس برضو من يوم ماجيت مصر حسيت بجفاف ، سارت
منطقة الخشم وحولين الفم والخد احيانا جااافه .. ايش استخدم من غسول وتونيك ومرطب؟ ترشحيلي اي براند ؟
جواب: !
آرشح البراند بوندس ،هنالك بوندس جولد راديانس لاعطاء نضاره و حيويه للبشره وتنشيط للخلايا البشره . اذا كان سنك فوق الثلاثين فهنالك بوندس ايج ميراكيل للعنايه بالبشره التي من اهم مكوناته ماده الريتنول التي تحافظ علي شباب البشره و تساعد علي مقاومه علامات تقدم السن

Make sure to follow Dr. Liliian on twitter: @lilliankhan and like her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/drlilliankhan

1 comment:

  1. I am getting boils on my face,,, not just pimples they are like boils,, they bleed n hurt also..n its over a month now since im getting them. one finishes it leaves a scar n other one starts appearing. i even bought creams from pharmacy but it didnt work.
